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Dental Blue Strip Anterior Teeth Restoration Universal Resin Matrix
Thickness is 0.05mm
Transparent Blue color Strip
Best Radian and Height
Preformed Curvature Best Meet the Anatomical Morphology
Dental Light Curing Composite Resin Restoration Use.
Gradual Change Height 6mm to 11mm, sliding into diastema, to suit the teeth's height.
Matrix System TOR VM/TOP BM, MICRODONT,Garrison....Also available,any need,please contact us.
World Brand Composite Resin are also available.
Kerr Neofil
Voco Polofil NHT
Ivolclar Vivadent
Ivolclar Vivadent Tetric N-Ceram
Ivoclar Vivadent Te-Econom Plus
Heraeus Charisma
Kuraray Clearfil Clearfil Majesty
Promedica Composan LCM(Ceramic)