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Feature :Pneumatic
Compatible :4 holes
Application :Extraction surgery
Material :Steel
Installation and debugging before use:
Special reminder: This product is provided in a non-sterile state and needs to be cleaned, disinfected and installed before use for the first time.
(1)Turn off the cooling water and atomization switches.
(2)Choose a suitable lifter according to the different positions of the patient's extracted teeth
(3)Connectthe dental pneumatic pneumaticsource connectorto the universalconnector of the dentaltreatment machine to make ittightlyconnected.
(1)Hold the handle with one hand, and pull the handletightly along theshaft axis with the indexfinger and thumb at thesametime.
(2)Withtheother hand, insertthetailof the head intothe linkhole, and turn the head slightlyto insert the head into position. At this time the head cannot rotate freely.
(3)Loosen the tappet locksleeve to reset it automatically.
(4)The push-pull head has a slight movement range, but it will not come out.
(1)Before connecting the dental pneumaticdentalelevatorfortrial use, checkagainwhetherthe cooling water and atomizing gas switches are in the off state.
(2)Step on the pedals with breakpointsto checkwhetherthe pneumatics are normal.
(3)Whetherthere is leakage at the connection with the gas source connection head.
(4)Whetherthe pressure ofthe air pressure indicator is above 0.3Mpa during the start-up and operation, and it needs to be adjusted if it is lower than the pressure.
Method of operation
①Use a pen-shaped handle, and then place the sharp edge in the periodontalspacefirst.
②At the same time.The blade plane faces the teeth ,and the blade plane is in line with the periodontal space.
③ Continue tosteponthe pedal, wedging the sharp edge into the depth ofthe part (1.2mm)
④Rotate the tappet in a smallerrange to increase the gap: detect whetherthe tappet is located in the center ofthe periodontal gap Judge the size ofthe periodontal gap, and prevent the tappet from being clamped.
⑤Repeat wedge + rotation to deepen the jib wedge to a predetermined depth, and then change the wedge position, the method is the same as the above. (When using for the first time, the depth of the wedge is slightly shallower)
Matters needing attention
①The straight blade enters the periodontalspace pneumatically.
②Prevent maxillarysinus and neural tube during use.
③Be cautious and use force at the thinner part ofthe bone plate.